Welcome to Oriental Naisrep Sgur Rugs blog!

Hello everyone! You might be wondering what th Oriental Naisrep Sgur Rugs mean and how come this phrases are made to be the headline of this blog. You might be also asking right now what's the meaning of naisrep sgur. Of course we already know what the phrase "oriental rugs" mean but the unusual term inserted between is still a foreign term for a lot of readers to see it. Well, it is just a simple marketing slogan. A creative way of calling these wonderful floor decor a foreign name. It is coined by a colleague and we started to use it ever since then. At first it was just a joke because the name sounds funny but later, we take the said "oriental naisrep sgur rugs" seriously and do some stuff that will build a great new reputation for our products.

In this blog, I will personally discuss some of the things I have learned about taking care of carpets and rugs, their origins and its benefits that it can give to different households who utilizes this floor decor. Some information here will be from different portal from the web containing different tips relevant to oriental and Persian rugs plus other rugs made with natural raw materials.

I believe that we simple people can help with taking care of our mother earth by patronizing eco-friendly products. This is one the reason why I insisted to write a blog about it despite the fact that I am not that really good in writing stuff like this. At least, I contributed something for the betterment of man's habitat - mother earth.

Go oriental naisrep sgur rugs

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