Cleaning Oriental Rugs and Other Kinds of Carpets

One of the "pain" of having a classic and high-end carpets is cleaning it. There are things that you can and can't do to clear the dirt or any kind of stains on your carpets. Sometimes a wrong method will cost you a lot of money restoring it or even damage the rug.

This is why it is recommended if necessary that let the professional rug cleaners do the "trick." Here's one video from Youtube that shows the washing process of an oriental rug. See how they spend time cleaning it and it is not recommended to follow what they're doing because they skip some important details from the video. I am just showing you this video to show you the process:

However there are some tips on the net that you  might want to consider as a "first aid" to clean some minor dirt of your rugs like the oriental rugs and other natural area rugs. Here are some of them.
  1. Find if the stain is a liquid stain or dried one. 
  2. For liquid stains, blot the spilled area with a clean, dry cloth immediately. Remember, the longer the liquid stays on the fiber the harder it can be removed. Take note: DO NOT rub the liquid into the fabric because it might seep deeper into the fibers and can also spread the liquid to a larger area. Apply force straight down and hold until the cloth is saturated or the spill is cleaned. You can also use a small quantity of absorbent powder, sprinkle it on the affected area and let it stay for a couple of minutes. Brush off the residue then vacuum it.
  3. For dried materials or dirt, use a wooden knife to scrape away dried materials that stick to the rug. NEVER apply water or any liquid on the affected area as the dirt can further the damage the sisal fibers over time and eventually cause fraying and other damage. It's important to vacuum thoroughly because moisture applied to trapped dirt will darken that area of the rug.
Well, if you have your own tips or steps in cleaning out your rugs on your homes, just leave it here by leaving a comment on the form below. I will feature your tips if I find it very useful.

- oriental naisrep sgur rugs

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